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William E. Brooks


2 Main Street.
Framingham, Mass.

January 3, 1934.

Dear Ray:

Enclosed usual monthly statement, with statement of assets, with values without being stretched. Liabilities should not exceed over $100.00: that is only Plumbing-Chimney Cleaning-Salary.

As to the Kellogg Street property improvements, have no idea what is on his mind, but, as we are not going to pay for it, and, do not expect anything to be done that would damage the property, think it will be OK to go ahead as stated in last letter.

As to the Town being wet, will say yes. As to Henry, I dunno either, but business seems better there, one more has been added in help. From all appearances it looks good, but, how about the proper income on the Estates' interest? Walter opened up on the same lines Saturday.

Am feeling alright thank you, but, had to pass up one nice New Years Eve Party at the Belmont Country Club. From last reports from one of the party, the festivities continued from City to City at each others houses later. Guess we were better off right at home by ourselves. 

We have been unable to line up on purchase of stock or on Canadian Exchange, which is about even.

Federal and State Income blanks are received, therefore can see where I will have my troubles this month. You will notice that I was able to get over $50.00 on 1930-1931 payments; still owe a bit to the Income Deputy.

Market seemed haywire today, before and other the speech.

Best regards to all,

Your brother, 

P.S. Mother took 1/2 of the Natick Stock plus $200.00 in cash.