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Dear Raymond: 

Your letter of May 3rd, was forwarded from The Hotel Ambassador, from the post mark it must have arrived about five hours after we left. Good time was had by all.

My intentions were good to call your house on the phone, but, every place I wanted to stop it was a case of too much traffic or no parking space available. We couldn't have stopped anyway as I was very anxious to get home; first had a date with paperhanger for Monday, he showed up on Thursday, had promised Abdelmaseh that I would attend to their matter on Monday: at the present time have taken a third mort-gage on the balance of their property, which includes the gasoline stat-ion and the balance of the lots to amount of $1300. at 8% interest payable monthly. The Home loan will only allow $1050. as our second on the old note. This is the only way I could figure to get out from under: also received interest on Phillips note to amount of $210.97fromMay 3rd with new note for six months from that date, plus difference from March 25th, the life insurance policy has not come through as yet, but Luby. is expecting to receive it soon. I thought you were still in Detroit. 

I am over my last experience in the hospital alright, but speaking of lumbago or a cold or what have you? I had to go to bed a week ago Thursday on account of one or the two mentioned, I, too, am wearing a corset Dr. Mc Cann. states it may be a cold set there, I might have got a strain, or its Lumbago. Am still a bit stiff. 

What do you think of Bank stocks for investments? Irving Trust at $20.00 Div $1.00 Manhatten Trust at $32.00 Div $2.00 Shawmut National at $25.00 Div. $1.00 First Natl.Boston.$$37-8 Div.$2.00. 

Don't seem to be getting anywhere as far as we are concerned on the Old Colony. No notes being paid, or rent coming in. 

After we get the balance of screens on the Pearl Street houses I Hope the outgo will stop. 

Phil. is actually looking for work, at least, it appears so. 

Postor of St. Stephens Church passed away on Friday. 

Regards to all,
Your brother