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Written at Hadley Field
New Brunswick N.J.
June 5, 1934

Dear Billy:

Glad to have your letter. We're all OK here. Pete had his time in the hospital again--all due to the bum work of a punk who caused two three unecessary operations. All I do, it seems, is to get a dollar ahead in order to be able to pay it out to doctors. Over and over for the past six years--me or Pete. We'll I don't mind as long as they don't take any more out of the boy-- he is a soldier to be so right about it. Damn these docs! Hope you are all right yourself again.

Henry's attitude is difficult for me to understand. I think it very close to the time for a complete showdown on his plans and intentions both with regard to his business and his ideas about giving the Estate a commensurate return for its investment and expenditures all along the line. Tell him I said so and give me the information when you can. From a purely business standpoint he should have kept the fire cost separate and he is as wrong as can be about that and about repairs and about Lill. Ask him what the hell...

Has Phil got a job yet. Say if Lill is so hard up why not consider the propositio  I made a long time ago about her doing the estate work for the monthly stipend. Would you have confidence that she could do it satisfactorily? I have some doubts in the matter but after all, she might be helped considerably thereby as even 25 for 35 bucks comes in handy. Not that your part hasn't been A l, but just so that we might at least figure on giving her a break, if possible.

No change in my ear ringing or looking for a possible change of job. There seems to be no change of job in sight and I'm just hanging on from er test to ear test to see what is doing to happen. If there is any impairment noted I'm out like a light. Only flying the minimum and anyway there hasn't been much business in our line for the past two months. 

Haven't made any vacation plans yet and don't care much what I do. Are you off any place in particular?

Best to all.

Your brother,