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June 12, 1934.

Dear Raymond: 

Have delayed in writing, on account of expecting a final of Abdelmaseh note, also payment of Henrys note, also final on Old Colony fire and gutter settlement.

Henry paid his note of $800.00 with interest to amount of $24.00 on June 6th; time would have been four months on the 11th. If cash is wanted in liquidation, say $250.00 each: You might write me a letter suggesting that this amount be added to amount of $150.00 each, which will be put through shortly on account of usual $600.00 payment. This would amount to $1150.00 cash payment. Lill. cancel note $200.00 cash $50.00 F.H.B. credit on note $250.00 W.E.B. cash $250 A.R.B. Cash $250.00 Special agreement $600.00 Cash.

Henry is not quite through with his new bar job, understand from conversation with him  this morning that painting will amount to $11.00 outside of that, stated that we should not pay for anymore,with the except-ion of some carpenter labor and gutters.

Abdelmaseh note to cover the third mortgage is made out, but , have not received anything about the recording as yet. If  the Home Loan finally decides to complete their end, will have to go to Cambridge to find out about the recording of third if not received at that time. 

Received notice from Income Tax Department, to effect that statement regarding whether or not aid was received in making out return [strike out[or not]]. Statement to fill out was enclosed. I had already filed the return before the bill was passed, but had received a statement to sign later, which was signed. Its a hell of a note to have all this red tape, but, I suppose I will have to go in to the office, state that it was filed with them, but do it over just the same. 

Had a busy day with Mother and Al. last Sunday. on account of forth degree K. of C. in full regalier. Morning was spent at Fenway Park in Boston as Honor guard at Cardinal O'Connell. fiftieth anniversary; St. Bridgets' had services in afternoon on account of laying of corner-stone. A booklet was issued with adds pictures etc, in which the names of all the donors of Equipment, such as Altars, Windows, Stations, Organ etc, were given. It was stated that list of donors of cash had been lost or mis-laid, also requesting those who contributed to let him know about it. It