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Written at Hadley Field
New Brunswick, New Jersey,
June 14, 1934

Dear Billy:

There is no objection on my part to a cash distribution of $250 as stated in your letter of the 12th. As long as cash and quick assets are reserved to protect mother in accordance with our long established plan, then it seems quite all right tomake everybody feel a little better by having a bit of mazuma now and then......

Henry is making good if he can pay back at the saving rate of $200 per month on his part, evidently.

Did you speak to him as I wrote in my last letter - about giving the Estate a break and not simply keeping on to provide him with a meal ticket that is more or less favored? If you did, what was his reaction or answer?

You are doing a good job as Sect-Treas. Your statement about Lills' position certainly does put a different light on the subject than I entertained. As far as any suggestion of mine is concerned --that goes back to the establishment of the Trust 1stself. At that time we spoke about rotating the job among you three in Framingham or me if I ever returned. But the necessity seems to have dissolved in thin air so to speak.....

There is no reason for you to make useless trips to the Fed Intl. Revenue for such things as signing a statement of aid as you remarked about. I admit they are full of bull and redtape and a lot of things but we all had to sign those slips and in your case. Like mine, all necessary action is taken care of by the mere writing of a line about help from their very own office force.. G'wan!

That Abdelmarseh affair is more than a nuisance isn't it?

What was it I donated to the church--50 bucks as I recall. 

Had a phone from Helen last night. I had just driven home from N.Y. She called from a swell N.Y. hotel. I told her to come out but she was driving back. Business.. I told her we were well and asked her about the home folks.. said she hadn't been in touch for TWO WEEKS but knew they were OK. Say how old is that boss of hers? My, My.!

Mother has a standing invitation to visit us at any time she wants a change. It is no bargain to be with us I know, but she's welcome. Nice of you to give her a lift.....

What is the market going to do now? I'll bite. 

Best to yuh, 

youre brother
