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Wayside, Brantwood, SummitN.J. 
(written at Hadley Field)

March 20, 1935

Dear Bill:

Enclosed are the receipt and the transfer of Helens' legacy. It wont be so very long before we quit being Trustees for the children and the Canada fund after all..

Mother is still having trouble with that foot I note. She must stay off her feet as much as possible and Lill ought to realize that fact and see that she does so.Going to foot doctors isn't the answer eitherif the diagnosis of our local man that it is a sign of beginning of hardening of the arteries. She is showing her age and the only thing for her to do is to slow down and be her age! She'll live longer and with more comfort if she does. I hope she sees it that way and acts accordingly. I didn't tell her and don't lnow whetheer or not any doctor up there did so. It is up to her to take it easier that's all there isto it. 

This latest nosethunbing by Germany gets my goat. We should have kept on going at the armistice instead of letting those Krauts go home to their undespoiled country and proceed to raise another crop of arrogant militarists. 

Orville Dennison was in N.Y. at a swank hotel as business promoter last deason same as he is doing at the Bancroft this year. I saw him then and he looked fine. He certainly got into the business and stuck harder and better than any one of us Brooks boys by heck.Wish I had a nice little hotel business that would be home..... 

You make me feel like sticking with the Elks for at least another while. Tell em to mail my ticket when due and I'll kick in with the mazuma. 

I'd sell the Mission stock when and if the market takes anUP fillet if ever. Otherwise it in more nuisance than anything. Didn't they also declare and additional Mission dividend to be paid in a short time--seems to me I recall such fact. 

I got the writeup on Bissell thanks. Very interesting. 

The Taylor interview with reagrd to the bank taking over mortgages will be interesting to me too you bet. Punk as it is, I'd rather hold fairly good real estate that would still be real estate than mortgages to be paid in phony dollars if we get inflation in the next couple of years. 

Your brother,