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Globe Indemnity Company
A. Duncan Reid, President
Casual Insurance - Fidelity and Surety Bonds

William E. Brooks 

2 Main Street
Framingham, Mass.                                                           August 1, 1935.

Dear Raymond:

Enclosed find usual monthly statement. 

Am not satisfied with return as made by in-come tax expert, but, have paid in order to avoid interest payment, but, have written letter, requesting refund of about $40.00.

You suggest that we make further investments, if, Galvin Home loan goes through, if so, same would be paid in bonds, therefore cannot see how we can do anything about investments, unless bonds are sold. 

Mother seems to be very well, but, still think she is a goat. For the past two Sundays, the O'Briens' have gone to Falmouth in order to visit the Mc Canns'. Mother does not go, as she states she would rather be at home on sucha hot day: however the divine Helen might call up, and, Mother would go up and take care of the kid in order to let them go out: "Maid and Nursemaid"

How is the Packard 120 for mileage?

Best regards to all,
Your brother,