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Written at Hadley Field
New Brunswick N.J.
Sept. 6, 1935

Dear Bill:

Ceiling 300' and overcast is all I've listened to for a week and I've been due for a number of trips during the same interval. SO if it doesn'tclear today it will be a washout for the report today.

Well--it is good to see the Mcann entry and the news
of the application after all these efforts. Bien! That would put us just that much nearer when and if the final accounting can be made. Here is a clipping about the bonds that might interest you. Iy isn't the loss of income I am concerned over as the possible loss of principal and the subsequent inflation still on the cards according to the huge credit funds available. Hope it winds up as we want it. And the same for the other similar items in the list of assets....

Obviously I had forgotten the cut in the Building Assoc.......

I'm in agreement that the oil burner and the stove(Ididn't know the stove was NG) would be better bought as in now than otherwise. Hope you get someone in right away. What was Schmeltz' reason for not buying himself, I wonder?

Mother continues to worry me from the last look I had of her. She simply must take it easy!

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Sorry to hear about Henry. But as far as he can he ought to keep reducint the private bankers' loan and do business elswhere than the Trust. It is the only fair thing for the rest of us for him to do so.

A friend in the insurance business just tipped me off to the fact that as of August 14th the Schedule Rating Bureau took off the automobile permit charge for attached garages such as I have. Checking the Ben Franklin Policy L-152 which doesnt expire till 11/18/38 it looks as though the rate of.90plus .08 should have been .74 plus .24 for my property. In order to save the remainder of the unecessary premium I'll have to cancel as of 8/14/35 and rewrite without the garage charge. As I figure it the return premium should be $57 approx. and if I take out a new policy for 5 years from 8/14/35 I will have to pay you only about $9 to have a new policy costing$66.60.

I called upthe Newark office headquarters and they are a punk bunch according to the run around and profession of ignorance they shpwed over phone. I told 'em to look it up and I'm going to see what they say to the rate particularly.---Just gave 'em another ring and the bird said he had applied for the proper rate and the rebate will be enough to extend the policy without further payment. I asked if I were to notify you but they said no that they'd do it from Newark. So that is that and I'll let you know if they have anything new.

Hope you and all are well. Everything here OK.

Best to yuh!

Your brother,
