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[[6 columned table]]
| Date | Type of plane | Type of engine | Type of work done Detail of work done | Duration | No. of flights |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   |   |   | To Date This Book | 171:09 | 189 |
| Oct. 31 | Ford 5AT | 3 Wasp | Local test for new eng. driver Westinghouse Generator and new Western full range electric tachs. Norton OK McKey Ward [[??]] [[??]] | :40|1| 171:49 | 190 | 
| Nov 1 | Ford 5AT | 3 Wasp | To Atlantic City & returns ar 1608 and [[??]] ant, 80 miles only, McKey [[??]] [[??]] | 1:50 | 1 |
| Nov 3 | Ford 5AT | 3 Wasp | To 100 miles east same as last flight good for 90 miles on 2 way. Thick haze at start, later clear. |2:20| 1 |
| Nov 6 | Ford 5AT | 3 Wasp | 100 miles East + 100 miles South on 1608 ice with vert. antenna McKey Garmin Funar  Very windy and Raining [[?]]. Ok 2 way 80 miles | 4:10 | 2 | 
| Nov 7 | Fairchild 71A | Wasp C | To Farmingdale with Frada for oil tank repair  Alt test on 5510 with new tubing [[?]] OK to Phil. Returned and | 1:39 | 2 |
| Nov 11 | Fairchild 71A | Wasp C | inspected Laurenille tavers [[?]]for L B Whittenore of AT&T. (McKey [[?]]) | 1:59 | 1 |
| Nov 12 | Fairchild 71A | Wasp C|Bair & McKey ar short new tube test, then to Roosevelt & return solo | 1:37 | 3 |
| Nov 12 | Ford | 3 Wasp C | local whippering [[?]] flights testing itinerant flier 5 watt set Bair, McKey Bishop Lunar, Fruda, | :40 | 1 |
| Nov 12 | Ford | 3 Wasp C | Local hop testing itinerant flier transmitter 10 miles. Bishop, Funda, Turres, lucas  | :40 | 1 |
| Nov 12 | Fairchild | Wasp C | To Beaver Island Floyd Bennett Field testing with Graylser Varril[[?]]receiver in 5510.  Peculiar fog and smoke conditions. Mckey | :43 | 1 |
[total line} | 181:387 | 203 | [total line] | 187:27 |