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[[7 columned table]]
| Date | Type of plane | Type of engine | Type of work done |Detail of work done | Duration | No. of flights | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |---| 
1930|   |   |   |to Date This Book|187:27|203| 
|November 19th|Ford 5AT|3 Wasp C|2 hops testing itenerant flier| on 3076 KC (80 miles with landed|
   |   |   | strut ant.) 6152 KC 30 miles|Lucas, McKay, Garner, Bichop.|3:30|2|
|Nov.20th|5AT|3 Wasp C|Continuation of same work.| Same crew, Less loaded strut. Good | 
  |   |
|   |   |   |for 60 miles before landing ^[[5070 fully]] far|^[[loaded strut]] there 50 as 3076 less loaded strut|3:15|2|
|Nov.24|Ford 5AT|3 Wasp C|To Newark N.Y.& get transmitter|;then test on 3076 with 3xT(whipping)|   |   |
|   |   |   |and Fairchild in air, preparing for| [[public?]] & Fandueld demonstrations L.I. N.Y.|1;20|2|
|   |   |   |McKey & Funda + Jilch|   |   |   |
|Nov 26|Ford 5AT|3 Wasp C|To North Beach, Queens, with|Funda, McKey, Jilch; picked up Van Pelt|1:44|3|
|   |   |   |Arthur Chamberlain, Capt. Oliver of Imperial|Arnaps, Rodman Warmamber, Capt.Wallander,|   |   |
|   |   |   |McKey  2 way demonstrations with Polui| Commissioner  Mulhoneny in NY. Also [[symbol]]|195:136|212|
|   |   |   |Way on 3076 with 3xT and 2xBx|flying Martin, Lucas,me, Mullers.|197: 16|   | 
|Dec 2|Ford 5AT|3 Wasp C| Testing command set with| Henrich,Thayer, Newlumar, Lucas,Garner|   |   |
|   |   |   | 2nd [[Strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/Strikethrough]] Carlten in place of [[?]]|3000' 30 miles N and 38  min SW|2:10|2|
|Dec 4|Ford 5AT|3 Wasp C|Testing command set with|various types of antennas.Newlumar|   |   |
|   |   |   |Lucas,Garner, McKey  local|Thich Hage|:55|2|
|Dec 5| Ford 5AT|3 Wasp C|Testing command set.Bair| Anderson, Henrick, Newhouse Lucas|:40|1| 
|   |   |   |low inselitity, 1000'|197:241|217|   |