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[[7 column table]]
| Date | Type of plane | Type of engine | Type of work done | Detail of work done | Duration | No. of flights |

|   |   |   |   |  To Date this Book |  201:01 | 217 | 
| 1930 Tuesday Dec 9th | Ford SAT | 3 whyse | Local flight Century | Command Jet, Lucas, Garner, Funder, Henrich. Thayer. Absolutely a love, No interphase | 1:45 | 1 |
Dec 10|"|"|Ditto.|1:15|1
" 29|(?)|(?)|Flight to nyc and then to Lawrenceville jmi testing|---|---|
|---|7/A|-|special receiver 3 meter|Chaffer & McKey passengers,|1:41|1
" 30|"|"|Flight towards Phila same as yesterday up to 10000 and along|---|---|
|---|---|---|at 2000 testing 4 meter receiver| various layer of clouds, saw reflections|---|---|
|---|---|---|of sun as an ice particle cloud for 1/2 hour, Later cloudy but scattered|3:08|1
|---|---|---|---|---|4:45(Strikethrough)|3 (Strikethrough)|
|---|---|---|---|To Date this Book|207:110|221
|---|---|---|---|---|1 60 (underlined)|---|

Transcription Notes:
question on a few words