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[[6 columned table]]
| Date | Type of plane | Type of engine | Type of work done & Detail of work done| Duration | No. of flights|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Jan 14 | Fairchild M952V | Wasp | 20 Washington D.C. early morning. DK Martin & D Blackey to see ground demonstrations of Kruesi-Hoover direction finder using loop on plane and broadcast stations carrier.  Return trip to Hadley in Nevada when H. E. Young was dropped off | 4:44 | 3 |
| Jan 22 | Fairchild M952V | Wasp | Bishop & Welkey [[best guess]] [[?]] with new ground radio stating for aircraft at Westham on 5510 and 4108 using itinerant flier set and 9 D receiver.  DK landed Washington for lunch | 3:55 | 3 |
| Jan 23 | KC417H Ford | 3 Wasps C5 | Flight test of ship after reinstallation of motor.  [[Zilsby?]] & [[?]] OK | 1:05 | 1 |
| Jan 26 | [[?]] [[?]] | 3 Wasps C5 | Flight test of mast using loop antennae local. | :30 | 1 |
| Jan 26 | [[?]] [[?]] | 3 Wasps C5 | Radio experiment using Kruesi direction finder.  Really a homing device - needle pointing to a broadcast station.  Tried WEAP MOR W[[?]].  g.g. Kruesi, Greig Garner was on last trip.  Was [[?]] Friday [[?]] | 1:40 | 1 |
| Jan 27 | [[?]] [[?]] | 3 Wasps C5 | [[?]] Martin McKey Greig VanPeld Kruesi Garner, [[?]] test of broadcast homing device 2000-3000' Larry [[?]] WEAF | 1:30 | 1 |
|   |   |   | To Newart to pick up H[[?]]. Young [[?]] Phila & return 2000' | 2:14 | 2 |
|   |   |   | Return to Hadley McKey, Grieg, Garner | :21 | 1 |
|   |   |   |   | 12:239 | 14 |
|   |   |   | From Jan 1, 1931 | 3 180 |   | 
|   |   |   |   | 15:59 | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |