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[[6 columned table]]
| Date | Type of plane | Type of engine | Type of work done Detail of work done | Duration | No. of flights |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   |   |   |   | From Jan 1 1931 | 15:59 | 14 | 
| Jan 28 | Fairchild 7/A NC 417H | Wasp C | Local test of itinerant set. Heard ground airport" transmitter 55 miles which is too far for that kind of instrument.  Receiver on 278 had a harmonic and transmitter couldn't be used with receiver so some research necessary Mckey passenger | 1:10 | 1 |

| Jan 29 | Ford 5AT NC417H | 3 WaspC | Flew Kreiser beacon to Toronto returning an WEAF and WOR BTL. Anderson, Froiber, Grieg, McKey Frrda, Garson.  Note our beacon at 1000 cycles as [[course?]] as good as normal indicator itself. Hazy | 1:20 (under is slash line to total duration)17:89 (under that) 18:29|1 (slash line continues for duration hours total) 16 |

| Feb 2 | Ford 5AT NC417H | 3 WaspC | Feral test of [[?]] transmitter  Learny, Carlton, McKey WeLiar | 1:00 | 1 |

| Feb 3 | Ford 5AT NC417H| 3 WaspC | High altitude test of 8B transmitters  Carlton, Mckey Lions, Up to 17300', had flashers in relay and transmitter above 15000' | 1:55 | 1

| Feb 11 | Fairdull[[?]]71A | blank | 2 way demonstration for Mr Robertson of watters electric. Local and to Rossfelt Field & Newark airport | 2:06 | 3 |

| Feb 16 | Ford 5AT NC417H | 3  Wasp C|movie for NY police Hadley & security, Claude Colbier, Casormarrnuam [[?]] Darling [[/crossed out]]Kennedy, Policeman VanHogan and Kapka Zeldy & Lucas | :55 | 1 |

| Feb 16 | Ford 5AT NC 417H|3 Wasp C | 2 way demonstration with truck at Hadley and with 3XR at Cleveland [[?]]for Arthur McChamberlain, Mr. Rodestas dif Evg [[?]] of NY Police. Capt Wallander Moratiemzl chauffeur, Funnder, McKey | :50 | 1/(under duration/time line slash for totals 21:255/ 3 |