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[[7 columned table]]
| Date | Type of plane | Type of engine | Type of work done | Detail of work done | Duration | No. of flights |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   |   |   |   |From Jan 1, 1931|25:15|23
|Feb 24 | Ford 417H | 3 Wasp "C" | Local test with command jet Furda, Anderson, Bair, Carlton, Herrick Feilely using Lucas & Beam & Urekey in Fairchild.  Field hard enough in morning but softer in afternoon. Waited several days before this flight could be made with rain and frost carry out of ground PM softer. |2:10 | 1 | 

|Feb 24| Ford 417H| 3 Wasp "C"| Different jet getting off of Hadley with medium gas land and equipment plus McKey Carlton & Beam.  Hard to land at Newark, Fairlaald [[?]]also but it was able to use Hadley in amount of Crayliter [[?]] strip  O patateed [[?]] from herrick [[?]] N third trip with Herrick Carlton Beam & Furrad , Farnldley in an at same time.