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Transcription: [[loud beep]]

[[?]] and all.
[[Speaker: male interviewer]]
Alright. Are we on? Oh yes well. Mmm. Like to welcome you all in out of the rain this morning.
We're going to have a narrative session now. We're going to visit with some of these folks here from down in South Georgia and talk a little bit about the nature of things that involve the whole community, and what makes up a communities.
In particular this morning we'd like to talk a little bit about the church homecomings, and some of the activities that go on.
This morning we have Mr [[Grady Bryant?]] here with us, who's from Berrien County, Georgia,
and we have Miss Martha Barrs, who's from Irwin County, and Miss Minnie Davis is also from Irwin County?
[[Speaker: Male guest (?)]]Right-

[[Speaker: male interviewer]] --From Irwin County as well. The--
How often does the--oh the churches that you all belong to are out in the country, aren't they? In--
[[deep female speaker]] Yes,sir.
[[high female speaker]] The one I belong to's--

[[Speaker 1]] Ah, we got a--
[[deep female speaker]] No hers is in Ocilla.
[[Speaker 1]] Hold it straight up.
[[Speaker: male guest]] I don't belong to a church. I go--

[[Speaker: high female voice]] Is mine turned on? Is my--?
[[Speaker: low female voice]] You don't belong to one?
[[Speaker: high female voice ]] Oh it's on--
[[Speaker: low female voice]] Go ahead--you go ahead there. You fine.
[[Speaker: male interviewer]]Okay.
[[Speaker: low female voice]] The one that I belong to is in Ocilla, and almost downtown. The membership there is 94.

[[Speaker 1]] 94 members in church?
[[Speaker: low female voice]]94 I belong to the Primitive Baptists of Ocilla Church with membership of 94.

[[Speaker: male interviewer]] Okay. Now Ocilla is a town that has about 3200 people in it, something like that?
[[Speaker: low female voice]] The population is 9,200.
[[Speaker: male interviewer]] In Ocilla? [very surprised]

[[Speaker: low female voice]] In Ocilla, Irwin County.

[[Speaker: male interviewer]] You're kidding!
[[Speaker: low female voice]] In Irwin County.
[[Speaker: male guest]] No, the county or the town?
[[Speaker: low female voice]] No, the county
[[Speaker: male guest]] Well how many in the town?
[[Speaker: low female voice]] I really don't know how many's in town.
[[Speaker: male guest]] Oh.
[[Speaker: low female voice]] If we did it we take it by the 1970 census--

[[Speaker: male interviewer]] Alright.
[[Speaker: low female voice]] --And there are 9,200.
[[Speaker: male interviewer]] And where's the church that you belong to?

[[Speaker: high female voice]] Bethlehem Irwin. But I want to talk some about my home church where I was born, reared, over in Telfair County.
The church is over 100 years old, it was a Indian [[blockade?]] for the white people to get away from the Indians. And after the Indians were moved out, Brother Williamson he formed a church in that old block house and it's still a block house church.
My mother--grandmother was a charter member, and I was in there always until we moved to Irwin County. And Bethlehem, that's where I go now.

Transcription Notes:
No way to match speakers with names.,-83.3897442,11z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1socilla+primitive+baptist+church!3m4!1s0x88f1e787aa029c3d:0x44ad9904b28fd6b7!8m2!3d31.5957493!4d-83.2529435