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Transcription: [00:02:34]
{Speaker 1, male}
So how long have you been going to Bethlehem?

[Speaker 2, female}
Well about 1955

{Speaker 1, male}
55, ok bout 25 years

{Speaker 2, female}
But I'm gonna say this then you let him talk, but [[laughter]] they're not gonna let you say nothing. Anyway, that old block house church is where I was born and reared, and we have homecoming in October. And all the people, it was members there, the former pastors and everything would gather there and have dinner. And one homecoming, they had 49 cakes there, and my sister says I didn't get to try but 48 of them. *laughs*

{Speaker 1, male}
Now which church do you all belong to?

{Speaker 3, male}
I don't belong to the church, I go. I should be ashamed of it I guess but I've never joined the church, but I go just as regular or better than a lot the members do. It's Pine Grove Church in Baring County Georgia. It's about 15 miles, 14-15 miles out of of town.

{Speaker 1, male}
and how long have you been going there?

{Speaker 3, male}
I can remember laying on the pallet when I was little kid. Been going there all my life. Ever since I can remember. They've rebuilt the church. The old church was there to start with, they rebuilt the church. I believe it was 1952 or 4 that they rebuilt the church. I think they have approximately 200 members.

{Speaker 1, male}
Now many of the churches that are out in the country side or as they say out in the county, have along with them cemeteries, that have been used as the burying sites for members sometimes for 150 years or more. And um, part of the homecoming events is in ordering the yard around the church and ordering the cemetery yard, cleaning it up, taking out vegetation that's grown up over the year and all, that's quite a job, who gets involved in that?

{Speaker 2, female}
Well we do it ourselves in Bethlehem church and black guys too, but some hire it done, they hire a caretaker. But I'm gonna say this, and I'm not trying to out talk all of you, but when I was a child, my Grandmother carried us to

Transcription Notes:
Need someone to insert speaker tags Can someone confirm Blockhouse church is a name and should be capitalized? (2:52) --> Regarding the previous question, "block house" is not the name of the church, I believe it is a description of the type of building (this is referenced in page 1 of the recording) therefore it doesn't need to be capitalized.