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Transcription: [00:09:10]
[[Speaker 1: male]]
Well now, if the, if the service starts in the morning and you have the uh, the prayers and so on beforehand, then about what time do you break up for dinner?

[[Speaker 2: female]]
Around maybe one'o'clock sometime

[[Speaker 3: male]]
That's what I'd say. Approximately one'o'clock.

[[Speaker 2: female]]

[[Speaker 1: male]]
Well now, do you have the dinner, is it, is it, inside?

[[Speaker 3: male]]
No, ours is outside, they have

[[Speaker 2: female]]

[[Speaker 3: male]]
Tables, [[?]] tables, and generally they'd be covered with food. They also

[Speaker 2: female]]
Nothing too crowded.


[[Speaker 3: male]]
Enough feed them twice. They also generally always ask for the oldest mother, youngest mother. They'll have a pinning ceremony for all the old mothers, youngest mother, the one that have the most children, most children there with them present. Lot of time my wife gets the one for the most children.


[[Speaker 4: female]]
Denis, we have-

[[Speaker 3: male]]
We have ten,


[[Speaker 4: female]]
We have church, I mean our lunch, we serve it in the basement of our church. When we built a new church we also added a basement to it and down in the basement it is large enough that we can serve the people of the church.

[[Speaker 1: male]]

[[Speaker 4: female]]
Their lunch whenever they come. But I like to explain something, now I said I belong to the Primitive Baptist church. In the denomination of Primitive Baptist church there are two denominations. One of them is old line Primitive Baptist and the other is the Progressive Primitive Baptist. Now I belong to the Primitive uh, Progressive. Now,

[[Speaker 1: male]]
That's a real mouth full. [chuckling]

[[Speaker 4: female]]
Yeah, the difference between the old line Primitive Baptist, at the time being, the old line did not believe in modern things. They would not put music, they did not believe in air conditions, electric fans. They did not have any electric lights, and they did not have any gas heaters, electric heaters, things like that. They would not progress far enough along with modernization and so some of them sorta got puffed up about it and they moved out.

Well, when they moved out then they also added the pianos, the air conditions, and the comforts of life of today. So, I belong to the Primitive Baptist, uh, Progressive Primitive Baptist.

Transcription Notes:
Could not verify the type of tables at [00:09:32] I did not know which name belonged to which voice. Names need to be added.