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Transcription: [00:02:16]
{SPEAKER name="W. Guy Bruce"}
Oh these folks they want to hear the Lilly of the West.
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Well would you like to hear an old ballad that goes back way before even the days of the banjo. A song that was brought by one of the earliest pioneers.

[Audience cheering]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
They wanna hear it. Now this is getting acquainted with Guy Bruce. First he knew these very well known banjo tunes and then found out that there was a kind of other layer of memory, these older songs he heard when he was growing up

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
and we talk about social music, well for stories you know, people would tell stories but they'd also sing these songs.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Usually they'd be about false lovers and true lovers, murders, different events that happened and that was how stories got told. People just sit around the fire side and maybe their grandmother would, would sing one of theses old songs.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
They'd have these old mournful melodies in a minor key and the usual way of singing them was without music. Which doesn't mean without a tune, it would mean without any instrumental accompaniment.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
I found out that Guy knows one of the most beautiful of these old ballads. The ancestors of which came from the British Isles, Guy Bruce is of Scottish descent, as you might be able to guess from his name I'd like him to sing this song.
See if you can follow the story, It's about a deceitful woman right.

{SPEAKER name="W. Guy Bruce"}
Yeah, yeah.
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
It's called Mary, Handsome Mary, the Lilly of the West.
{SPEAKER name="W. Guy Bruce"}
That's if I can get the tune just right. My throats gone sore or something, I don't know. I like to the day before yesterday I [?]


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
You don't have to sing too loud because the microphone will project your voice.

{SPEAKER name="W. Guy Bruce"}