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Transcription: [00:02:15]
{SPEAKER name="Gerri Johnson"}
First of all, um, Corrie how did you get involved in the process?
{SPEAKER name="Corrie Smith"}
I started working out there at their store and I started helping them.
{SPEAKER name="Gerri Johnson"}
Uh huh, and you work in all phases of the meat processing?
{SPEAKER name="Corrie Smith"}
Yes ma'am
{SPEAKER name="Gerri Johnson"}
You do.
Um, what. How many hogs do you prepare a week and how much meat do you prepare in your business?
{SPEAKER name="Fred Lee Bentley"}
Usually, according to the time of the year, during the winter months the demand for cured meat and sausage is a lot more than in the summer months, but we average 10 to 15 number 1 hogs a week and our number one hog will weigh from 190 to 200 pounds and that is a good size hog to get a nice side of bacon or a nice ham or good pork loin. It's a perfect sized hog to get the best cuts of meat out of and, uh, that's what we like to use because we have to make a lot of sausage. We average making over 500 pounds of sausage a week and, uh, for a country store that is a lot of sausage.
{SPEAKER name="Gerri Johnson"}
I'm sure it is, it sounds like it. Do you do the butchering yourself?
{SPEAKER name="Fred Lee Bentley"}
No ma'am we carry them to a packing house right close by because they have to be state inspected to sell and that's what we want anyway because I feel like that when you have a person that knows what he's doing he knows if this hog is perfect and that's what we want because you can ruin a business right now by selling bad stuff, you know?
And so that's why we want them state inspected, not because we have to but because I do not have the knowledge of a hog to know that he might have some kind of disease that I do not know about.
{SPEAKER name="Gerri Johnson"}
But the state can tell you whether there's something wrong with it or not.
{SPEAKER name="Fred Lee Bentley"}
That's right, he is trained in that field to tell us exactly if there is something wrong.