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[[continued from previous page]]
story in some fation [[fashion]] magazine. from $15.00 per week to $10,000.00 per year, and the limit not yet in sight. Guess I was never cut out for this game. cause were it not for the fact that Oren is boss, I would be hoofing my way back to Framingham.
What are you doing these days? I put the old buss, in cold storage at Framingham flying field for the winter. Finished up the season in fair shape. About the most serious trouble for the season was a few broken spark plugs and a faulty tail skid. Lots of happy and a few luck landings, needless to say. I have not fully decided just the best policy to follow for the next season. I may return home in June and fly, say for the four best months June, July, Aug, Sept and part of Oct. Smitt and I are on the lookout for some new business entiprise. No more Corpn. dope tho, Certinally hope we can round the presant B.B. & S. up so as to be able to return dollar for dollar the invested capital. There is $2750.00 in stock held by the dozen or so investors and the plane as assetts. Mr. Smith wishes to be remembered to you both and hopes he can have the pleasure of meeting you one of these days. 

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed right side first, then left side. The right side follows the bottom of the page just before this one (page 1).