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six enemy planes and destroyed four others that were too far behind the lines to be confirmed. At present commanding officer of the 1st Pursuit Group, Kelly Field. Number Two, San Antonio, Texas. Awarded the D.S.C. and received a personal citation from the First Army Air Service Commander. Member A. F. C., F. A. I.

Lieut. Harland Fulton Banks, Late of Royal Air Force

Age 23. Graduate of the Public Schools of Framingham, Wentworth Institute, Boston, and attended Lowell Institute, and Boston University. Enlisted as a cadet in the Royal Flying Corps, Canada, September, 1917. Graduated School of Military Aeronautics, Toronto U. Commissioned February 16, 1918, and trained on all types of aircraft in Canada, Texas, England and France. On active service March, 1918, to May, 1919, five months in France. Awarded French Croix de Guerre with first squadron, landing in Ostend after German evacuation. Destroyed one enemy kite balloon. Member F.A.I.,A.F.C. of Massachusetts. Graduate of the Gosport School for Flying Instructors, on Avro Airplane, Gosport, England. Late employe of the Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Boston, and pilot for International Aircraft Corp., New England Avro distributors, by special arrangement.

Lieut. C. Oren Smith, Late Royal Air Force
Age 30 years. Graduate of the Public Schools, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Studied law and medicine, one year each, Chicago. Notary Public for four years. Served in the U.S. Navy four years and was attached to the U.S.S. Ohio, of the Atlantic Fleet, during its cruise around the world, 1907 to 1911. Enlisted as a cadet in the Royal lying Corps, Canada, October 3, 1917. Graduated School of Military Aeronautics, Toronto University. Commissioned Feb 16, 1918. Trained on all types aircraft in Texas and England. On active service in England, from March 11, 1918, to July 12, 1919. Submitted three inventions to the Imperial Committee of Inventions, London, during 1918. Member A.F.C. of Mass., F. A. I. Late employe of Price, Beasley & Co., Public Accountants, Detroit.

We propose using the AVRO three-seater Biplane, manufactured by the A.V. Roe Company, England. This machine is equipped with 110 H.P. Le Rhone Rotary, air-cooled motor, and has a cruising radius of 225 miles, air speed of 90 miles per hour, and will land under 38 miles per hour. The Avro has never been known to break or fall apart in the air, and has an official record of carrying 45,000 passengers without a single accident. The lightness of its motor and its unique design, its stability and its balanced rudder permits it to be easily "side-slipped," which enables the machine to be landed in a small field. 
This Airplane may be used summer and winter, on land or water. Skiis are furnished for winter landings on ice or snow, and air-cooled engine does away with radiator troubles. In summer the plane may be landed on a pond or at the beach by the use of pontoons.