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Continued from Page One

of the air. They feel confident that an aircraft company organized on solid lines operating from Framingham would have a find opportunity for success.
1st-There is a population of two million people within an hour's flying distance and five million people within two hours flying distance from Framingham. 
2nd-Framingham is on a direct line between Boston and New York City, and therefor readily accessible to all passenger and  freight carrying air lines. 
3d-An aerodrome has already been established at Weston, just outside of Boston, by the International Aircraft Corporation and the new aerial company of Framingham has secured permission to use same for landing purposes and as a service station. In addition the American Corporation have promised their co-operation in connection with the use of their Boston Airdromes. 
4th-People desiring to go to the Berkshires or to the Thousand Isles from the east or south could be flown to Framingham, thence to their destination via Worcester, Springfield, Albany or Pittsfield. 
In this enterprise the men hope to have the moral support of the officials, citizens and merchants of Framingham, and in a measure their financial assistance. Outside of the success of the enterprise from a business standpoint, the fact that Framingham has take a lead in commercial aeronautics, will greatly benefit the prestige and business of the town. 
At the present time the Advertising Department of the Boston University under Associate Professor Charles A. Belatty is running a prize contest to furnish a name for the corporation. However the intentions are not to incorporate until arrangements have been completed for the financing of the project. The proposed capitalization is $100,000 and the concern is to be a Massachusetts Corporation. A tentative charter has been drawn up, which is believed to be the most complete and comprehensive paper of the kind ever drawn up. Among the articles are provisions for the company to handle, or manufacture, every sort of aircraft and accessory from a parachute, aerial life buoy, electrically heated clothing to helicopters, and balloons. 
Offices of the partnership are now located at 21 Smith block. Framingham. 
Negotiations are underway to operate and sell British Avro bi-planes. The young men expect to secure territory in western Massachusetts as a sales territory for this machine. Considerable passenger carrying for pleasure is to be done but they sincerely believe that ultimate success can only be attained if it demonstrated that the aero-plane can render service at a reasonable price and it is their intention to work toward that end.  
They also go on record as being heartily in favor of "safety first," stuntless flying.
For future development they have in mind the following plans:
1-Establishment of passenger and express routes.
2-Carrying mails for the United States Government under contract.
3-Commercial advertisement, for business houses, post card industry, political campaigns, by photography. 
4-Location of land sights, surveys and geographical work.
5-Establishment of a school of aeronautics, with a department for women. 
6-Establishment of landing grounds and service stations in each sales territory, with a sales force, on the lines of the present day motor car sales and service station.
An invitation is extended to all interested in aviation to visit the offices of the local organization. A copy of the proposed charter and aircraft literature are available for public scrutiny.