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The way Mr. Luby is putting thru the incorporation papers seems quite agreeable to me.  He has left us this way however we have to make good on the first 10,000 subscribed before we can enlarge.  We told him we hoped to raise 10,000 to begin with.  Well, 12,000 would give us the controlling interest.  If we sell over 12,000 the control will pass out of our hands.  That means we must get busy and earn money to buy more stock in the company ourselves.  Being the majority of the directors we will be able provided it goes big to do just as we bloody well please.  Will leave it to Smithey to explain in full when we get back our charter and minutes of the first meeting.  Mr. Luby wants you to write to him if you don't understand any thing.  There is one good stipulation in regards to the transfer of stock which will make us practically a closed Corporation. All stock has to be offered back to us before being resold.  We can accept or reject it, ect.

Trusting this finds you in the best of health and enjoying Texas - O.C. life 

Sincerely your
