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21 Smith Block,
Framingham, Mass., 
March 27th, 1920.

Dear Brooks;
   Yours of the twenty second received.
   Must say that for a man with low morale your letter was "some" letter. It sure helped us a lot along toward the goal. Your letter to Jim was, very interesting, too. We are returning it, herewith. Will go after the map and any other stuff along that line that is obtainable. Did we tell you that we had a letter of thanks from the Director of the Air Service, for our efforts in proposing a municipal landing ground? All we have done so far is to go on record before the Honorable Board of Selectmen and sending them a copy of War Dept. Specifications for municipal airdromes- also published the fact in the News. 
   We believe that we will hold off on the free stuff at the Gorman, until we have something special to advertise, and when that occurs we will have some colored slides made up in good style, in a series as you suggest. At present everything hinges on the incorporation. We have a date with Luby this morning, and will probably hold the first preliminary incorporation meeting today. Just as soon as we are incorporated, and the stock issued to BB&S and to those already subscribed we can go ahead, in a systematic way, onnthe prepositions we have in view. We are so anxious