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without difficulty.
   A chap by the name of Hamilton Lillie came in to see us the other day ( forgotten if we told you ), bound for England, and want s a commission to execute. Says he used Le Rhone Nieuports during the war, and desires a job as pilot after his return. He expects to sail May 8th, and return July sometime. I wonder if we could use him? There is a possibility of being able to establish some good English connection through him, but not having the capital we arenot in a position to do much talking.
   The International is still holding open the sales proposition to us, but we are'nt doing anything about it until after incorporation.
   Their machine is being repaired. The Charles River incident was a piece of negligence on their part, and while it put the bus out of action, we don't believe it hurt aviation very much. However, it is a lesson to them and us-- and it is one of precautions we shall take-- that is, to secure our machines well at night. That brings us down to insurance. We have aletter from Boston on that phase before us.
Public Liability and Property Damage   $125 per machine
Employees Compensation Insurance   480 per pilot
Compensation $5,000 for 1 year
Home- Co.
Fire 4%
Theft 1%
Collision 10%
Tornado 1%
Sinking and   
Stranding 1%   
Demonstrating and
Acrobatics 1 1/2%
Instructing 1%

[[In bracket starting with Home-]]
These rates are for a period of six months.