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subsequently. We think our best policy, for a few months, is to hold down expenses to lowest possible point, and not get engraved paper, have a large office staff, etc., until we have something coming in, over and above the cost of the first machine. However, it is our intention to systemize everything especially as far as accounting goes, sales, and so forth..

Possibly we may get a Jenny early in April, if we haven't the full amount for an Avro, as we MUST get started here before someone else comes along and secures the muster field, and all the easy dollars in Framingham. As soon as we are incorporated, and have issued what stock is already contracted for, we will see what ought to be done.

A chap came in to see us the other day who is embarking for England on the 10th of April, and said he was open to commission. As he had air experience as a pilot during the war, he might have been a good agent for us if we were in a position to buy an Avro in England and wait for its shipment. But the time spent in getting it would mean a big operation loss , over here, so we figure we ought to get the machine here, and get in operation as soon as possible. We are having fine flying weather right now, and passenger work could be carried on.

Hope this finds you well, 


C. Oren Smith
H.F. Banksey