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95th Pursuit Squadron,
Kelly Field #2
San Antonio Texas,
April 14, 1920

Dear B&S:-

Yep-- you've guessed it-- I've been some busy bee since I got back from my chase around the map. I have received a perfect mass of stuff from you fellows and on the whole I am strong for all accomplishments to date and plans outlined. That you both think more of Att. Luby pleases me greatly for I know that he is a good lawyer, and with the Incorporation complete you are to be congratulated on the so-far successful outcome of work. Some little team of hustlers.

I had better quit raving and with what time I've got just follow through your letters that were waiting for me upon my return to Kelly Field, offering such comments as will help as I go along:-

About Long and the factory idea of turning out planes:- I have had quite a long talk with Major Reed M. Chambers on the subect of commercial aviation and I found him fully alive to the big field in view and obtained not a little good dope. I am not at liberty to give out what he told me of his plans, but it so happens that he is hitching up in an unbeatable outfit as far as experience and brains go, in the manufacturing and sales end. Also one of the designers I mentioned to you as possible for me to get to get out a drawing for us, is in with him. His concern will immediately get a Govt. contract and thus be assured of life, and then they intend to put out a market plane like the fiest [[first]] automobile manufacturers did in their old days. There is where we come in, for I am convinced that about the time they get a commercial plane made we will be in a position to undertake a definite sales territory. Withal we may get out one of our own as we first contemplated but this other concern will fall in with our possibilities and that is why I mention it. That won't stop us from mentioning the matter to Long at the proper time....... I hope you've got Mrs. L. on our side by this writing. Good luck on her and my dad when you strike them. It is just as you said in a recent letter about certain people of the old school having a pretty hard time of it to believe that flying commercial is not a foolish venture. I have addressed several hot remarks to the honorable F.E. Brooks but I am still unable to say whether or not he will line up with us. I wouldn't care if he only went in for a few hundred as long as we had his name and influence.

The Curtiss Co. is the big cheese in the U.S. game right now, and to me that company represents in commercial aviation what the Standard Oil CO, does in oil. Nevertheless they have got some good planes and if we can use one of their models for work in good open plaves [[planes]] such as Fram. I see no reason why we shouldn't get our start using teir [[their]] buses. I have not seen one of their catalogues but suppose you have all the dope from their representative in Boston. The 150 Hispano, and the OX5 are two of the most steady and reliable motors built for rough and ready work, and the three of us seem to be agreed that if we can get going on a Curtiss the sooner the quicker. So get the price list and you two make the decision any time it becomes expedient...... The Avro can come next.

Referring to Mr. Joseph in England about the matter of his looking up a bus for us, or becoming our representative in England, by all means hook onto him. You know him Banksie, and if he is any good he can be a good man for u to have. Let him get you some facts now on the Avro, and tell him we would like to keep in touch with him and have him send us all pertinent material we might like to know, and that we may need him to look after our interests over there. Incidentally if you wish to subscribe to a good foreign paper why not have him send us "Flight", which is the most complete journal published in England in my opinion.

I was interested in your tale of happenings in Minn. as told by Smithies brother. We have got the population in N.E. and furthermore the summer beaches crowd along the whole cost is our particular meat, so we'd best give all attention to Mass. and [[?]] till later on when the expansion comes [[?]].

Transcription Notes:
The two [[?]] are unrecognizable.