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Now Springfield Mass. Seems to me to be a good bet and I am in favor of accepting anything from the International that is to our advantage. You have mentioned that Long of the International was af ter you on the proposition but that nothing definite has been struck to date. Keep that end in view however, for I would like to tackle that territory myself if we could get what we want in the line of concessions, sales, etc. [[strikethrough]] In [[/strikethrough]] What I hope we can engineer as soon as we possibly can will be an aerial bus line. And the more I read and get a line on recent developments I am forced to slide a bit from the dirigible viewpoint and tend toward the big planes fro handling freight in quantity along with a regular passenger service. Springfield is on our route from Maine to New York or from Boston to Chicago or any place out of Mass. Keep a watchful eye on that stip of city.

If twelve companies are starting in in Mass. we've got to get under way as soon as possible due to that fact. I know you are fully cognizant of that fact and I am only stating this to let you know that I concur with your ideas. And it wouldn't be a bad hunch to tap Hedlund and other sources of informationas to who how and where about these competitors.

The remark about Mr. Dennison interests me. I donot know where the dumping ground that you spoke of happens to be but if it is a good location it might prove a gold mine in taking up the employes of the Denny during noon or just after close of work.
I'm afraid I'm a little hazy on whether or not Mr. Dennison coughed up for us,because he promised(?)500 berries on one occasion and said nix on a later??? Anyway you'll tell me just as soon as you try for the cash. I hope he is with us in all ways!

I am glad you put through some sort of a deal with the U.S. Air Service magazine. I Have just received another line of advertizing dope sheets from them, through General Mitchell himself. You see it is after all more or less the organ of the Army and Navy Air Service, and for this reason alone it should be topnotch in latest news of former friends and also give the latest on plans and ships of the future. Regarding the writup for the May or June issue and my photo to go with it-- Billy wrote to me that a recent photo of me was published in "The Home Sector". Now why not have you write to them to this address I'm giving you and request them to return to you the negative I sent to them upon their request, or , better still tell them to send the plate to the U.S. Air Service Maga zine and also return my negative to you,,, or, send your story to the Magazine and have them write to this address and request the plate. In any event I wish you would get my negative back. The address is: (Mr. P.A. Von Blon) Feature Editor, "The Home Sector" The Butterick Publishing Co., Spring and MacDougal Sts., N.Y.C. Lemme know how you make this grade. Any help I can give in the line of information and writing lemme know.

That insurance item is a mighty important one. A New York company is also in the game on this point and really looks as though the practical thing to do would be to gt a cheaper machine than an Avro costing 6500 and alow the difference towards such items as insurance. To properly safeguard ourselves we should indure our first machine at least. It sure comes high , though.

Good dope about asking Chatterton about gas and oil. BUT, when we buy it must be from Hodgdon,(if I remember the name correctly) or some equally big gusher in the oil biz. At a contract price at that, if we can get it. And now I am asking a fellow here at this post to wrtite out to the Air Service station he came from in California, about some beaucoup gallons of Castor oil that the Govt was going to sell at the ridicualous price of a s low as 75cents per gallon. That sort of investigation is the why of asking you fellow to see Drennan and get all the information from him that you can relative to excess stocks of all natures being disposed of by the Govt. I told you , I believe, that I would snoop around this post for some stuff that is going to be up for salvage---- if they ever put through the survey report that is necessary. In this way we could get Hiso parts and Curtiss parts etc, at a sweepingly reduced price.