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Kelly Field #2
San Antonio, Texas,
April 25, 1920.

Dear B&S.

Got your letter of last Monday, and this morning received your Natick wire. You don't know how much that line about Drennan and the one which pertly says "Wills a washout" did to make my morale in regard to the late trend of affairs take a 100 point rise. Bully.

Now then --- I have written letters to all the people you have recently suggested, and the carbon copies have been sent to you in previous, as well as in this letter, to you for file. I rather think now that you have got such a good start in the actual collection of dough, that the rest will be forthcoming, although we all realize that it is mostly a case of sticking averlastingly on the trail of men like Doon. IN the case of Donnison things have worked admirably if he is now helping us to the extent of talking for us. That is fien dope to go after Portmore and the rest of the bunch. When yo see Mr. Van Ness now, ask him for the names and addresses of primising material in the [[?]] Denny. About Van Nese -- I have a lot of friend like him who may or may not have a few hundred available. I want them to help us if they can but on the other hand I can't ask them out of the friendship end of it and for that reason it is rather difficult. Furthermore I believewe won't have the least trouble in disposing of a bunch of stock by merely advertising in the New England papers, if we wish to do so. And in this I am anxious to learn of the possibility of keeping control by issuing ourselves stock just ahead of, and in remuneration for selling such stock as we sell. You know ordinary companies can get away with 5p-60% of stock issued so how does it work out in our case, anyway.

I am still against a Jenny. Not enough power and not strong enough to stand the gaff of continuous actobatics. The OK5 is a peach of a motor, butxx not unless you two are heartily in favor of getting a Jenny can I see it. If you have the least bit of doubts similar to mine then lay off the Jenny and get an "H" or an Avro.

it seems to me that with the International so all fired ready to help us out we ought to be able to get an Avro from them at a little better consideration than they advertise. Have you had any conversation with them on this score? And what is the dope on that Springfield proposition that I mentione dto you that I was interested in? Anything to it? Gee, but I'd like to be with you to hammer at this game. Damn this present situation.

I suppose you next letter will tell me who the new supporters are and what Drennan is going to do with the muster field. Goshamighty if he will only get a couple of hangars out there and make it a regular field we can make a barrel of money for the tme before the people get tired or accustomed to buzzing overhead. That muster field seems to me to be the best proposition in Framingham because it is on main raods and one important consideration is to get a field that is on a main automobile hoghway. The muster field is ideal for this.

I am getting all the dope I can on aerial cameras, but won't buy any that the air service wants to sell because all they want to get rid of is junk. I know we can get the latest thing out from Rochester for between two and three hundred dollars. 

Gee I am glad Wills isn't going to beat us to it.

Oh! What a rotten piece of legislation. If I can help that out, and I think I can, then for the love of Pete send me all the particulars of the present state and status of the damned fool bill, also the names of our Senator and representatives, and I'll shoot a letter to them, and a public one to any Boston News sindicate you say. Give me the dope.