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April 20, 1920
Dear B&S,
Just a hurried note in business hours to tell you that I sent you a long letter a couple of days ago, and today received your letter along with the registered stock certificates.
I am more than concerned over that piece in the News about Wills coming to Framingham? And for the love of Pete -- that demands immediate action, so if you have any idea at all that you will get enough shares of stock sold to cover us go ahead and get that Jenny or the Avro on a note and beat this damned Butinsky Wills to it! This is a hell of a note, as you say, to have propagandaed Framingham for somebody else to come in and rake the gravy. Can you head Willis off in any way shape or manner? If so throw a scare into him. If the son of a fool does beat us to it then I would suggest a lurid advertisement in the News stating that Willis is no part of Framinghams own concern and that we hope the citizens will support us by waiting a week or so until we get going.
Believe me fellows this thing demand immediate action, and I advise going ahe ad with the Internationals offer if it is as within reason as you say and won't put us under too much of a strain. 
I'll send the stck back tomorrow or next day. I am so confounded occupied with meetings and rushing around without any transportation that I have not time to do a thing I want to do. I'll see daylight soon I hope and get off the letters you requested a week ago, along with the ones to Dennison and Perkins. 
Please keep me posted to the minute on the developments of the Wills situation, even though it is only a line in an envelope.
Keep the old fighting spirit up and beat this interloper as the game or our name IS mud in Framingham? I wish I were with you now, but don't my absence be any drag on your ability or cheerfulness.