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dollars I have but little over five dollars at the present moment, and the only reason that I put all my money and effort into this enterprise is because I believed in aviation and believed in you fellows. But when one of the company states that you and he have an understanding to carry out policies regardless of my attitude or voice on the subject, it is'nt doing you or me any good to stay in. 

It may be that Mr.Banks has taken exception to my views on things, of late, because he objects to my personal affairs. If you do not know it, and because I have nothing to hide, I want you to know that I have a case in Detroit Courts pending since my return overseas, that will divorce me from my wife. In view of our years of seperation I have not see fit to crawl into a corner and decorate any place I may happen to be, as a wall flower and have gone to dances and attended other occasions from time to time. However all this is personal, and, in my opinion has nothing to do with the business end of our proposition. I tell you so that you will be fully informed. 

Now, Brooks, I am sorry about this, and you may count on me staying along until you get someone else, or take over the Treasurership yourself. The books will be closed May 1st and I shan't issue any checks after that, and consequently the quicker another treasurer is selected the better. My services are yours until then, altho I shall have to go to work next week for necessary living expenses. 

Trusting that this finds you well, personally, I remain, 

Sincerely, C. Oren Smith

#5 Concord Terrace.