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COPY OF LETTER [[strikethrough]]FR [[/strikethrough]] MR . R/F. Perkins
to Mr. L. E.Thomas,
Inter Collegiate Flying Asso'n.
Harvard, Cambridge, Mass

April 29th 1920.

Mr dar Mr. Thomas;-

The Transcript of this evening indicates that you are to be in charge of certain flying activities at Framingham.

May I ask if you have investigated the local flying men and what they are attempting to do? It seems to me that if the American Flying Club or the Inter Collegiate Flying Association undertakes important activities here they should have some knowledge of our local Company, "Brooks, Banks & Smith"Corp."
Captain A. R. Brooks,
Lieut. F. H. Banks
Lieut. C. Oren Smith
of 21 Smith Block, Framingham, Mass.,

In regard to Captain Brooks let me say that from letters in my possession he seems to be in line for a majority and Military Aviator, which I believe is the highest rank in the air service. Of course if that is so Brooks should be about the leading airman of New England. I should say that Captain Brooks is now at the Kelly Field. "He is doing some valuable work for the government along the border as Commanding Officer of the 95th Pursuit Squadron", that is April 1920.

I wish you would investigate. I have looked over my farm from a higher plane than I care much for, but in spite of that I am a good deal interested in the subject of aviation in its commercial aspects. I think it really a great subject and the benefits of it, to be gained much quicker, if you of the Inter Collegiate Flying Association, and the American Flying Club and the Brooks, Banks & Smith Corporation and several others get together and map out some comprehensive plan.

I wish you would take the trouble to talk this over with me, here, or at 30 State Street, Bond & Goodwin.

It is a mighty interesting subject and there are things to be done, in my opinion, by state authority in re- franchises, pilots, etc.

It can be taken for granted that young men who have made records in the great war are not going to be satisfied with a job in a machine ship and besides that-

Commericial aviation is going to be a great factor and people really interested should help the thing get on in the proper direction.

I shall be very glad to bet in touch with you,


Robert F. Perkins.