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We desire to build this company on broad lines and organize it in a big, comprehensive manner. It is our desire to invest, for the present, only well known men as stockholders, who are interested in aviation and are willing to assist this great science in its commercial elaboration, financially and morally. Sooner or later the state and federal governments will enact legislation granting licenses, allotting franchises, and adopt rules of the air, and with a strong well know body of stock holders procuring early franchises will be less difficult. 

In our opinion, a foundation of strong technical ability embodies in the officers, combined with stockholders of known integrity and worth in the field of finance and industry, together with the best business organization possible and an energetic administration of thw whole, is the recipe for SUCCESS in this enterprise.

We firmly believe that as to LOCATION Framing ham in a wonderful position with reference to air traffic. There are a number of reasons why a company making its headquarters here would have a fine opportunity. Here are a few;-
1. There is a population of two million people within an hour's flying distance of Framingham.
2. There is a population of five million people within two hour's flying distance of Framingham.
3. Framingham is on a direct line between Boston and New York City. 
4. The aerodrones of the American Aerial Corporation and the International  Aircraft Corporation, Weston and Boston can be used for traffic to that city.
5. People desiring to go to the Berkshires form New Yorkm City could be flown from the Roosevelt Field, Long Island to Framingham, thence northwest, or from Boston via the same route. In other words if Framingham possessed an up to date aerodrone and service station every plane would make at a point to stop here for service, to embark or dis-embark passengers. 

Among the BUSINESS POSSIBILITIES opportunities of the aero plane must be considered the possible state and government franchises, such as mail carrying, express and passenger routes. 

Second in importance is the negotiation for sales territory for makes of aircraft. At present we are endeavoring to secure and territory in New England and one further west. However, we feel that these agencies will come to the company who has the best and most influencial organization. Consequently it is our purpose to build up THE BEST organization, and then look into the sales territory end of it. However, we feel that a live selling organization conducted on the same lines as the sales force of a motor car product will ultimately be required.