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One Copy by W.B.T
Revised by W.B.T. & S.T.
August. 26-84.

Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D.C., Jan 15th 1884

Mr. G. Brown Goode
Assistant Director in charge of the U.S. National Museum:

Dear Sir,
In regard to the Conchological Department of the Museum I have the following report for the year ending Dec 31, 1883, to submit.

On July 1 Miss Agnes Nicholson was engaged to take charge under my direction of clerical and analogous work in the department which she has carried on in a satisfactory and efficient manner.

The removal of the collections from the lower part of the building in order to make room for clerks etc. while the east end of the building was being re-modelled, was hurriedly carried out.