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[[stamped]] OCT - 5 '23 [[/stamped]]

Western Reserve Building
Cleveland, Ohio

October 4, 1923.

Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Co.,
705 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.


I have your favor of the 1st, relative to the antique table purchased by me from Jacques, Seligmann & Fils, Paris.

Will you kindly have this table forwarded by express to 12611 Lake Shore Boulevard, Cleveland, and oblige,

Yours very truly,

H.G. Dalton W.

After 5 days, return to PICKANDS, MATHEW & CO.,
600 Western Reserve Bldg.,

Transcription Notes:
There are some numbers and letters at the very top of the page- I'm not sure if this should be transcribed as well. It appears to be OCT-5723.