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October 29, 1951

Dear Mr. Daniels:

It gives me much pleasure to send you herein my firm's invoice referring to your purchase of the drawing by Georges Seurat "The Artist's Mother".

By now you have had an opportunity I assume to look it up in my book "The Drawings of Georges Seurat".

You will notice that I dated it of circa 1883.

This is based upon the dated drawing No. 40, and the following drawings which were exhibited in the "Salon of 1883". In my opinion they definitely belong to the same group and period.

Should you have an opportunity of perusing further the text of my book you will find that I lay particular stress on the figures, yours bearing No. 324, which appear on the verse of quite a number of Seurat's drawings, and which for all intents and purposes must refer to some inventory which however we have never been able to identify or locate.

This reasoning is also based upon the fact that Feneon who had been his close friend and also one of the executors of Seurat's will, evidently initialed the drawings found in his studio.

All this I though you might like to know about. The true interest of the drawing, however, lies of course in the exceptional quality and deep emotional value.

I am indeed happy that you own this lovely drawing and do hope you will enjoy it more and more with the years to come.

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. David Daniels
200 East 60th Street
New York, N.Y.



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