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with it again.  He likes the composition and the spirit of it very much, and there is a good chance that he might think more seriously about it in the late autumn.

In this connection, I would be terribly grateful to you if, should by any chance the conversation over the week end lead to paintings, you would give this picture a little "boost", as you know it is in a wonderful condition and has a marvelous pedigree - and a good word from your side has a great deal of weight with Len and would help me considerably.

I hear that the ballet is reopening again, for three weeks, and I am delighted to hear that it turned out to be such a success.  It must be a wonderful feeling for you, having invested so much time and effort.  All the best of luck for the further development.

I hope you will have a very nice time in Venice.  A little relaxation will no doubt do you a lot of good.  Have a marvelous time, Nikky, and let me hear from you as soon as you get to New York.

with many good wishes and sincerest personal regards, I am, 

As always,

(R. H. Waegan)

Baron Nikolas de Gunzbourg,
Hotel Ritz,