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Red'd 30/10/34


Dear Reni:

Sorry I have not sent you the list you asked for sooner.

According to my records here it is:-

Lehman $600 Feb-May 1933
Guggenheim $500 June 5 1933
Weil children $1000 July 1-11 1933
Mrs Friendly $800. July 1933
Bedaux $600 Sept 1933
Mr & Mrs Norman $1400 Dec 1933
Weil (little boy) $750 Sept 10 1934
[[Totals]] $5650 [[/totals]]
Also this should be added to this list the Stern child. I don't know how much Maria received of this, although I believe it was under $400.00
I'll ask her to let you know.

No payment was made for Ruth Alice's picture or for the one of Mrs Stein. 

I believe the above list covers all pictures that were painted as a result of exhibitions, or through your efforts - and this, I believe I can conscientiously say is without exceptions.

[[marginal note]] Feathers, of course, not included.[[/marginal note]] The sum of $200 was received for the picture of the [[Seezbert?]] children but under the circumstances, as I understand them, no commission was to be paid on this.