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March 9th, 1937

Dear Mr. Goodman:

Ann phoned me a few days ago to ask if I knew of any artist who would be particular good to paint four children of friends of your in Greenwich.

Having checked up to be sure that Miss Maria de Kammerer was in town, I am taking this opportunity to tell you a little about her and her work. 

We have twice exhibited this fine and young artist with great success, and I might add that she has been making a specialty of children these past few years. I cannot recommend her work too highly to you or to your friends, as she is an extremely sensitive and intelligent person who takes great pains to know and understand her subjects, and portrays them in a very appealing fashion. In addition, she is one of the few artists I know who has done "group pictures", so I feel she would be very well qualified to undertake this new commission. 

At the moment she is just putting this finishing touches on Libby Holman Reynolds' youngster and she has several other things in her studio which I know would be worth seeing.

Her price for portraits is $2500 and $500 for each additional figure in the picture which in this particular case would be $4,000 for the group of four.

Her address is 22 East 60th Street, telephone number PLaza 3-3248, and if your friends would care to call her, I know she would be delighted to make an appointment to show her work, or if you prefer, they can call me and I will make the necessary arrangements.