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March 27, 1956


We are in receipt of your catalogue #74 and are very much interested in purchasing the following items listed therein:

#9500 - Caturla, Zurbaran, 1953 .....1.800 fr.
#9528 - Cinq Siècles d'Art, Mémorial de l'Exposition de Bruxelles, 1935, Bruxelles, 1936............2.500 fr.
#9608 - Firmin-Didot, Recueil des oeuvres choisies de Jean Cousin, 1873..........1.000 fr.
#9636 - Gérard, Correspondance, 1867 & Lenormant, Fr. Gérard, 1846 1.500 fr.
#9914 - Pope-Hennessy, Italian Gothic Sculpture, London, 1955 ... 2.650 fr.

We would appreciate it if you would be good enough to reserve these items for us, letting us know if they are still available and the total cost, or forward them to us with a bill.

Thanking you, we beg to remain,

Very truly yours,


Librairie F. de Nobele
35, Rue Bonaparte, 35
Paris VIe, France


Transcription Notes:
Some accent marks are omitted from the transcription and the signature is not very legible.