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November 1st, 1937

Dear Hugh:

Ever so many thanks for your delightful letter of October 22nd. Forgive me for delaying my answer, but we have been so hectically busy here preparing our beautiful Picasso Exhibition which is opening today.

I am so glad my information regarding Havana was welcomed. Too bad you had to postpone your trip to Cuba, but in this case my additional information will come in handy. My friend, the Marquise del Rio has been ill and I shall not be able to see him till next week when I shall let you have the really first-hand information.

I am awfully glad and feel somewhat relieved that you though my letter to Anna correct. I so far have only a negative result in the form of a very polite letter from her secretary telling me that Anna was not in Detroit at the moment but that she would bring my letter to her attention when she gets there. Evidently Miss Standish did not want to bother Anna and her mind was preoccupied with domestic troubles. But do please keep me in mind. I cannot exactly explain to you how very important it would be for me if I could conclude even only a small deal with Anna, and you would certainly tender me an enormous service if you would lend me your friendly assistance. 

I indeed had to laugh to learn that you spend most of your time killing mosquitos and I do hope for your own good, that by now you have found some other diversion as small fry is always very boring. I shall look forward with interest to your further news.

Clifton's party for the Cochrane's was brilliant. Everybody of stage and screen fame, spiced by a few high society notes, was present. It was all too too marvelous.

You probably heard, in the meantime, of Cole Porter's severe accident. It is really too bad. His horse reared last Sunday at Piping Rock and fell on top of him, breaking both legs; one in three places and badly squashed, and the other one broken in two places.
