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I confess I did cheat a little when speaking of New York life, for I heard the most superb Parsifal performance at the Metropolitan. But otherwise I haven't had a chance as yet to put my feelers out and don't have to keep my fingers crossed. By the by, I had such a nice time with your friend Mrs. Macauley, the night of the dance, and I would like very much to write her a few lines. Would you be good enough to let me have her correct Detroit address? 

Speaking of the Macauleys, you mentioned to me that they had just finished a large home which will need some furnishings, etc. Do you know whether the house is French, or English, or even better? Can you tell me what type of art the Macauleys could be interested in?

We have been having the most heavenly warm spring weather the last few days, which is some--although very little--compensation for the Florida climate. I hope my lines find you well, and looking forward to hearing from you, I am, with many good wishes and kindest regards, 

Always sincerely 

(Rolf H. Waegen) 

Mrs. W. Colburn Standish 
Playa Riente 
Palm Beach, Florida