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Mrs. Hugh Dillman
"Playa Riente"           
Palm Beach, Florida

April 11, 1938                    

Mr. Rolf V.Waegen
3 East 51st Street
New York
New York .

Dear Mr. Waegen :--

Mrs. Dillman has asked me to return the photographs of the Boiserie and the statue to you and they are being sent under separate cover to you by this same mail.

She has studied with them with much interest, but at the present time feels that she has no place to put them. Later on that place may develope, but just now, her plans are too uncertain. She does fully appreciate their extreme beauty and rarity and has enjoyed seeing the pictures of them.

If she comes to New York, she will come in to see you and perhaps you can have another word with her then.

She sends her regards to you and said to tell you that she thoroughly enjoyed your visit and has missed you since you left.

For my own part, thank you so much for your good wishes for the success of my "Shameless Sarah". It is currently running in the Detroit Times and I have had so many nice notices of it and a nibble from Metro, Goldwyn Mayer, for the movie rights, so I am keeping my fingers crossed . 
All good luck to you,
Marian Eddy Standish 
Marian Eddy Standish

Secretary to Mrs. Dillman