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May 6, 1938

Dear Mrs. Standish:

It was terribly nice of you to send me your wire which I answered yesterday as follows and which I hope you received:

Many thanks your kind wire and good news.Mr. Seligmann and I leaving New York tomorrow arriving Detroit Monday morning. Would love seeing Mrs. Dillman. Hope she will be able to receive us. Looking forward seeing you. Letter follows. Keeping my fingers crossed. Cheerio.

It certainly will be good seeing you on Monday and I am anticipating our Palm Beach reunion.

By the by, as long as I'm in Detroit, which is a rather rare appearance, I would love to pay my respects also to Mrs. Macauley. I am writing to her by the same mail, and should you by any chance see her or hear from her over the week-end I would appreciate if you would give me a little boost.

In the meantime I hope all is well. With my very kindest personal regards,

Always sincerely

(Rolf H. Waegen)

Mrs. W. Colburn Standish
12 Lake Shore Drive
Gorsse Pointe, Michigan