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May 11, 1938

Dear Hugh: 

I have lately somewhat fallen in your footsteps as far as ways of traveling are concerned as I just returned from a flying trip--in every sense of the word--to Toledo, Chicago, and Detroit, in which cities Germain and I made a little tour of inspection.

While in Detroit one day I called on Anna who, unfortunately, was in bed with a slight cold and could not see me. However, Anna very kindly had Mrs. Standish show us the house, and boy what a place! I really must say that one can hardly find anywhere so many things combined in one house and so well arranged. It is exquisite and it was really a treat to see it, though it would have been much nicer if you could have functioned as the host.

Mrs. Standish told me that you had returned from you fishing trip and our back at the farm. I hope you had a corking time. I understand you will come up north soon. It will be wonderful having you with us here for a little while, but please do give me a few days notice so I can arrange everything properly form the entertainment committee, get the honor girls, and last but not least the brass band.

As to myself, my life has been rather streamlined. Since I wrote you last, I have fallen in love and out of it again and the remains were returned to native Oregon. Things happen so fast these days that surely one day I will catch myself.

Everybody is feverishly making plans for the summer. Dwight is going abroad the end of the month, treating Sweden and the Scandinavian countries. He hasn't been well lately, a little stomach trouble, and has been on the wagon for the last six weeks. Consequently his outlook on life is rather sober, but nevertheless he is in good form. Clifton is still on the road and will be until he sails in July. Tonight the Dwight Wyman show is opening which I hear is a wow. Another good show