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June 7th, 1938

At the same time, I am sending you the illustrated catalogue of the picture and drawing section of the same sale where you will find under No. 34 and 35, the two Lavreince Gouaches.

Under No. 38 you will find the charming Moreau Le Jeune drawing of "Cephise Accompanied by her Little Dog" which you liked so much when I showed you the photograph here in New York.  Perhaps you might consider this drawing also which is of superlative quality and has a magnificent provenance, as you can see.  Needless to say, should you obtain all three drawings, it would make a magnificent foundation for a very fine collection.  As a reasonable bid for this item, you might consider $2,500.

The way things stand at the moment, I shall not sail before the 16th of June and should you wish any further information, please do not hesitate to let me know, but I would greatly appreciate to have your definite instructions before that date.

In the meantime, I trust my lines find you in the best of health and spirits, I remain, dear Anna, with many good wishes and kindest personal regards,

Always faithfully,

(R.H. Waegen)

Mrs. Hugh Dillman
12 Lake Shore Road
Grosse Pointe, Michigan