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June 15th, 1938

Dear Anna:

Allow me to acknowledge receipt of Mrs. Standish's letter of June 13th in which we are informed that you are definitely not interested in the Topino commodes in the Mortimer Schiff Sale, and we, therefore, consider your bid as cancelled.

I fully understand that these commodes might perhaps be a bit late for you and that you, in all probability, prefer some Louis XV pieces of furniture. Perhaps at a later date I might be able to offer your something more suitable.

Regarding now my departure for Europe, I was obliged to postpone same for the time being inasmuch as a very important client of mine whom I have to see is arriving in New York next week. This, however, does not interfere the slightest with the purchasing orders you have given me for the Lavreince gouaches and the Marin group as Capt. Germain Séligmann and my other associate, Mr. César de Hauke will be present at the sale in London and will take care of all purchasing orders that I have personally received. As soon as I have word from them I shall, of course, communicate with you in Detroit.

The way I see things at the moment, I will not be able to leave New York until the very last days of June or perhaps even early in July. I understand you are planning to sail around the same date, and should it at all please you, I could easily arrange my passage on the same boat if your date of departure has already been decided. I would be delighted to be your "Marechal de Voyage" and escort and shall look after you to the best of my ability; thus we might still have our boat trip together--though it is not on the "Delphine".

While dictating this letter, I just received from our Paris office the enclosed photographs of two most charming Amourettes which might appeal to you.  Unfortunately, the photographs are very bad.  The statuettes are white marble, Atelier of Bouchardon, French 18th century, 2'7" high, the base 8-1/2" in diameter. They are unusually attractive, especially as a pair and might perhaps fit somewhere in your hall, on your terrace or in your garden.  The price for the pair is $2,500.
