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July 5th, 1938

Dear Anna:

Many thanks for your letter of June 30th which reached me this morning, and I hasten to let you have the necessary information regarding the terra-cotta group, "Maternity" by Marin.

First, regarding the discrepancy between my telegram and our invoice, allow me to explain to you that the English auction houses maintain the old fashioned custom of selling objects of art in Guineas instead of Pounds. A Guinea is 21 shillings of 5% more than a Pound. Therefore, 950 Guineas make 997 Pounds 10 Shillings which amount does not include our commission.

Secondly, the terra-cotta group is at present at Chenue's in London, being held there for further shipping instructions. I have written, by the same mail, to our Paris office to authorize me to show you the group whenever you would like to see it.

What you write me about your sailing is "swell", and I am looking forward to seeing you on board as I had also made reservations to sail on the "Europa", and should there be anything further you would like to discuss with me, we could take it up on board or before your departure, here in New York.

By the way, is there anything I could do to be of assistance to you or help you with your luggage, etc., etc? I know how difficult these matters are for ladies and how much you dislike being bothered with them, and I assure you I am quite an efficient Maréchal de Voyage.

In the meantime, I hope my lines find you well, and with many kind personal regards, I am

Always faithfully,

(R.H. Waegen)

Mrs. Hugh Dillman
12 Lake Shore Road
Grosse Pointe, Michigan