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Fiche for Mr. Germain Séligmann 
And records

From Mr. R. H. Waegen 

October 20th, 1938


I handed Mrs. Dillman the key to her clock.  She seems to be very happy and pleased with the purchases she made. 

Had lengthy talk with her during the afternoon about additional acquisitions to her house.  Had the chance of mentioning to her that a collection of drawings and additional bibelots would not alone enhance the value of her collection but also add to the coziness and atmosphere of her house. 

Mrs. Dillman then told me that she had made the acquaintance of Mrs. George Howard with whom she had played cards several times, and that Mrs. Dillman's friend, Mrs. Gilbert Lee had suggested that Mrs. George Howard should do her sun room over and alter same. Mrs. Dillman asked me what I thought of this idea as she did not seem to be extremely keen on Mrs. Lee's suggestion. I was very careful in my comments and knowing of her high esteem for Lord Duveen, I told her that in my humble opinion Lord Duveen had outlined the house so well and had given it so much atmosphere that it might erroneous to consult anybody but a thoroughly experienced decorator who is capable and has a through knowledge of the French 18th century.

I gave Mrs. Dillman to understand that Mrs. Howard was an extremely nice and popular woman, but could hardly be considered as an expert of the French 18th century as most of the things I know she had done were decidedly English.

I then mentioned to her that I might have two very beautiful Fragonard drawings for her as well as a few other items that might easily find a place in her house; whereupon she gave me to understand that she first wishes to pay all her bills and clear up by the first of the year the enormous fees for lawyers
