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November 16th ,1938

Dear Mr. Waegen:-- [[Wa?]]

I am so sorry to have been so long in replying to your letter, but my personal correspondence has been relegated to the background and I have had so much to do for Mrs. Dillman that I have let everything go.

Regarding the representative for Seligman and Co here in Detroit , Colburn and I have talked it over and it is a difficult thing to answer .

David Moreing - one of our well known men -who formerly was in business as an interior decorator and who married a very wealthy woman , Mrs. Ernest Haass , might be the person you are looking for - but I can give you no assurance that he would be ready to undertake such a thing . Another is Robert Tannahill - but in both these cases , I would prefer that my name or Colburns name be kept out of it entirely . 

As far as the Macaulays or the Candlers go , if I were you I should wait until the next time you come here and perhaps I can arrange to have you meet them at my house . 

Good luck to you and I shall hope to see you in Palm Beach this season , 

Sincerely Yours, 
Marian Eddy Standish
Secretary to Mrs. Dillman